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Discover the power of marketing psychology, time-saving technology, and shortcuts to get more done with the Poket Marketing blog. Our blog features articles on a range of topics designed to help you streamline your marketing efforts, so you can focus on growing your business and achieving your goals.

Findings in behavioral economics can help us to be better marketers. The way humans think, what influences us, and how we make decisions are essential to effective marketing. Of course, there are inherent behaviors that we are aware of and put to use every day, from understanding the importance of social proof (customer logos can increase […]
Ever heard “Better the devil you know”? This colloquial saying originated in 1300s Ireland. It’s referring to what was later confirmed by science and coined the mere-exposure effect. It is one of many cognitive biases humans are hard-wired with. How it Works Our minds regard new things as potentially dangerous or risky. Consider, in a […]